
This morning, Sylvan and I came to the very enlightening conclusion that no girl should ever be born an Aries and no boy should ever be born a Pisces.

We deduced that Aries women would be too much for any man to handle and that Pisces people are so dreamy, that only a woman could handle being one. Is that warped? But I say this with no malice or hurtful intentions to the gajillions of Aries women and Pisces men out there.

How did that come about? It was over breakfast and Sylvan was saying that she believes that she will never ever ever ever marry.

Don't say that, I said. Maybe the guy you're supposed to be with just haven't found you yet.

We became silent after that, each pondering over our own thought bubbles.

My thought bubble was that if I had never met Zane, I don't think I would ever have married. I vocalised my thought to Sylvan.

I mean, some people go through life, falling in love so easily. From one relationship to another and another. And I was boyfriendless for pretty much of my life.

Until Zane came, of course. Only he could handle my petulance, my arrogance, my selfishness, and the rest of my insecurities, and make me need him!

And the ironic thing about us is that I'm an Aries and he's a Pisces. We have our moments, of course, when our true astrological characteristics surface. Such opposing characters, he at one end, and I at another end of the spectrum. Me, seething. Him, unperturbed

He and his water, me and my fire.

He with his dreams, and me with my practicalities.

He with his endless tolerance and patience, and me with my irritation at time.

He with his delicate feelings, and me with my brash responses.

Suffice to say that his love for me makes me strive to love him even better.

"Loving someone means taking the risk that they might fuck up your nicely ordered little life." Mark Haddon, A Spot of Bother.

Photo by Charlie Foster on Unsplash


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